The Use of P2Y12 Inhibitor Monotherapy After PCI

1) Welcome to a tweetorial on the use of P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy after PCI! Accredited for 0.50 credits by @academiccme: physicians, nurses, pharmacists! I am @SVRaoMD.— cardio-met (@cardiomet_CE) April 20, 2021 3) 75 yo female...

De-escalation of P2Y12 Inhibitor Monotherapy PCI

1) Welcome to a tweetorial on de-escalation of P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy after #PCI! Accredited for 0.50 credits by @academiccme: physicians, nurses, pharmacists! Expert faculty @drroxmehran— cardio-met (@cardiomet_CE) March 3, 2021 3) 69 yo M presenting with chest...

Management of a Challenging IWSTEMI

2) . . . Supported by Abbott, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Chiesi, NovoNordisk. Follow this thread for credit. And here is a case . . .— cardio-met (@cardiomet_CE) February 22, 2021 4) Other PMH: Crohn’s on chronic steroid therapy, budenoside & mesalamine; prostate...